COVID-19 Updates

Although SVA will not reopen this school year, I can assure you that we maintain our commitment to our scholars, families, and the community at large.
We care about you and will continue providing support to families during these rapidly changing times. Throughout the remainder of the academic year, SVA will serve you in the following ways:
- Free “grab and go” breakfast and lunch to children under 18 years of age
- Weekly learning packets for scholars in kindergarten through first grades
- Online learning for scholars in grades 2 through 8
- Technological assistance to families who need support
- Teacher “office hours” to provide assistance to scholars and families
- SVA office hours via telephone Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – noon
- Weekly stories read by SVA team members will be posted on social media
- SVA updates and communication through our social media platforms
- Ongoing communication to parents through Class Dojo
- Online registration and enrollment for scholars at both the South Mountain and Avondale campuses
The SVA team will continue to follow the guidance outlined by public health officials and government agencies. I encourage you to visit the Centers for Disease Control at or the Arizona Department of Health Services at to learn more about staying healthy and safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Once again, the entire SVA family would like to thank you for your support, love, and understanding during this uncertain time. Our hearts and most sincere thoughts are with those who have been affected by COVID-19 across the world, and the brave and committed medical professionals who work tirelessly to save lives. As information becomes available, the SVA team will share relevant updates through Class DoJo and the SVA website.
This pandemic will pass and Sun Valley Academy will be with you every step of the way. We love you and we love our scholars very much.